Just A Normal Day | Supertramp | Supertesti.it

Just A Normal Day

Testo Just A Normal Day

RD- Woke up cryin‘ with the break of dawn, and,
I looked up and the sky,
The air was still, yet all the leaves were falling,
Can you tell me why?

RH- Well, I just don‘t know the reason,
I don‘t know what to say,
it just seems a normal day,
and, I‘ve got to live my own life,
I just can‘t spare the time,
But, you‘ve got strange things on your mind

RD- Well, I just feel ,that every minute‘s wasted,
My life is unreal,
And anyway, I guess, I‘m just not rated,
At least twice, that‘s how I feel

RH- Well, I just don‘t know the reason,
I don‘t know what to say;
It just seems a normal day
And, I‘ve got to live my own life,
I just can‘t spare the time;
But, you‘ve got strange things on your mind.

RD- Eat a lot, sleep a lot,
Passing the time away,
Maybe I‘ll find my way,
Who am I kidding?
Yes, it‘s just myself.

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